The 2017 OIG Work Plan: What You Need to Know

The Health and Human Services (“HHS”) Office of Inspector General (“OIG) released the 2017 Work Plan (“Work Plan”) outlining its priorities for new and ongoing audits and evaluations for the current and coming year. The OIG Work Plan also provides an update on items that have been completed, postponed or...

Reporting Structures of a Compliance Program

While implementing an effective compliance program is not a guarantee of fraud, waste and abuse prevention, it does help mitigate the risk of improper conduct. One key element of an effective and successful compliance program is oversight and defined reporting.  Below are tips to consider when implementing or evaluating the...

How Effective is Your Organizations Compliance Program?

In recent years the healthcare industry has seen a tremendous push in its efforts to encourage organization(s) to develop effective internal controls to monitor compliance with State and Federal regulations. As hospitals and other healthcare organizations continue to face increased scrutiny, Provident has developed a checklist that can be used...

Healthcare Check Up: The Importance of Internal Audit & Compliance Program Assessments

With the sea of ever changing healthcare regulations it is important that organizations conduct regular and ongoing internal audit and compliance program assessments. Within the last decade the healthcare arena has witnessed sweeping regulatory changes, including: Compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Implementation of International Classification...

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Leveraging our deep operational experience and real world understanding of the regulatory landscape, Provident partners with our clients to meet the diverse challenges of the evolving healthcare industry. With proven solutions, expertise, innovative thinking, and specialized tools and techniques the Provident team works collaboratively with clients to optimize their financial and operational performance.

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